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May I request the title and description to be compatible with text codes? It'll make the achievements a lot more visually nice, and the only other alternative is CGMZ's achievements plugin which I don't want to use since it doesn't store the achievements globally like this one does

Sure, I'll add it to the To Do list 🙂

Ello. Pretty sure this has something do with with the icons, tho I cannot figure out what exactly isn't loading correctly. This only happens when I press the Achievements list button, tho I just cannot figure out how to solve this.

Usually when I got reports of this error is because the JSON file isn't compiled correctly, if you can send me the .JSON or a screen of it at my mail or on Discord I can take a look

Alright, a mail has been send with the file.

I am faced with this problem

Is it the last version of the plugin?

If so please provide me those informations:

And if you are using other plugins, especially graphics plugins

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I have the same problem but only using pictures option, with icons works nice (using 12 achievements)

Can you tell me the screen width/height and area UI width/height?

The picture are 48x48 pixel?

yes, they are 48x48.

Ok thanks ! I'll try to reproduce the error.

Just a curiosity, does your pictures have transparencies or is full colour?

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Full color 48x48 png 

V1.4 is out and SHOULD fix the problem, if not then there could be a plugin conflict

I ran into an error where somehow the battle test in the database is completely broken. The log says something about a file being missing.
Other than that, great plugin!

I see the problem and it's on the Visustella side, not mine

Too patch it up during your game development duplicate the WD_Achievements.json and rename the copy Test_WD_Achievements.json, this will solve the bug

You don't need to update the Test_WD_Achievements.json, use it only as a dummy file to make Visu work

Great! Thanks for the help!

Is there a way to use it with Visual stella core? :(

Hi, what happens if both are active?