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It is best to use it with this plug-in, so that you can solve the problem of publishing games on Steam, but I have not tested whether your plug-in supports "%USERPROFILE%/Saved Games/" + $dataSystem.gameTitle + "/save/"

It doesn't as the directory is a string, not an eval, so it won't catch + and $dataSystem

But adding a "pro" option to use the evaluation could be something to add in the ToDo list! ☺️

So, without the +$dataSystem part, it should work? I actually mainly want to know if I can read "My Documents"

(1 edit)

If you mean by using environmental variables like %USERPROFILE%, no, not in v1.0
I'll work on adding the possibility!

Right now the plugin can either read a normal string path (ex: "C:\Mygame\") or he can detect his installation directory and from from there (option autodetect + data/ will result in a string heading toward the data folder of the game)

The following reference code is from a website that is not allowed to be linked by itch. You can directly refer to the code

'use strict';





 Usage: add this lines to your plugins.js:

{"name":"RoamingSavePath","status":true,"description":"Save directory to game save dir instead of www","parameters":{}}



(function () {

if (!StorageManager.isLocalMode() || typeof process === 'undefined' || !process.env || !process.platform) return;

const fs = require('fs');

const path = require('path');

var globalSavePath = null;

const initPlugin = function () {

const defaultDir = process.env.APPDATA ?

"%USERPROFILE%/Saved Games/" + $dataSystem.gameTitle + "/save/" :

(process.platform == "darwin" ? "%HOME%/Library/Preferences/" : "%HOME%/.local/share/");

const params = PluginManager.parameters('RoamingSavePath');

var savePath = ((params['Save Directory'] || defaultDir).trim().replace(/^[/\\\.]+|[/\\\.]+$/g, '') + path.sep).replace(/[/\\]/g, path.sep);

for (var e in process.env) {

savePath = savePath.replace('%' + e + '%', process.env[e]);


globalSavePath = savePath;


const validateDirTree = function (targetDir) {

if (fs.existsSync(targetDir)) return true;

const parts = targetDir.split(path.sep); 

var currentPath = parts[0]; 

for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { 

if (!parts[i]) continue;

currentPath +=  path.sep + parts[i]; 

if (!fs.existsSync(currentPath)) { 

try {


} catch (e) {

return false;




return true;


const oldDMOL = DataManager.onLoad;

DataManager.onLoad = function(object) {

oldDMOL.apply(this, arguments);

if (object === $dataSystem)



StorageManager.localFileDirectoryPath = function() {

return globalSavePath;


const oldSTLF = StorageManager.saveToLocalFile;

StorageManager.saveToLocalFile = function() {

//if (!fs.existsSync(globalSavePath))

//fs.mkdirSync(globalSavePath, { recursive: true }); // needs newer nwjs sometimes

if (validateDirTree(globalSavePath))

oldSTLF.apply(this, arguments);



I like this. I don't think there's ever been a system made that does this, for any other iteration of RM, not even VX Ace.

Yes, searching for this option leads to a lot of questions and a very few answers, guess this will be a useful one 😁