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My Windows Defender say it's a Virus!, Specifically a Trojan, WHEN IT'S NOT!, can you tell me why windows defender says it's a virus?

Sadly .JS files are often false positives, nothing I can do about it. 
Sometimes happens with Chrome Download too.

I really don't understand why as it's well known that JS can't carry virus or malware software :(

Hey, is there a way to display a variable value in the quest description?

As in "Collect this item, 0/7" but the counter goes up for each of the item collected.

Not right now but that would be a nice and easy addition, I'll make an update in these days :)

Following the previous answer: It is possible right now if you activate Dynamic Size Text, it allows all RMMZ text commands such as \V[4] to read variable 4. I'll make a work around to allow it in descriptions that don't use Dynamic Size Text

v1.5 is out an let's you use RMMZ text codes and alignement settings with any option you like (Auto Sizer or Manual)

You're a champion. Thanks :)

Can you make the option to implement it on VS OPTIONS CORE?

Sorry but I can't do it from my plugin, you have to set up a new option in VS Option Core and on "Process OK" call this: SceneManager.push(SceneManager.Scene_Quest);

Hello. I am unsure if this is a bug you can fix, or if I did something wrong, but let me describe it. In my game you are given an opening monologue and a quest at the start. After playtesting, I discovered that if you die without a save file forcing you to the main menu, and create a new game, the quest log from the previous session is still there. As a temporary fix, I have the game write over save file 19 when first creating a new game as of now. But I would like to know if you can somehow fix this. I was also using version 1.3.2 so if this was fixed in 1.4 I would like to ask if I can import the new update without needing to change any of my old code? Thank you for making this plug in! I will be sure to credit you in my game!


So the bug is happening if you die, go to the screen and start over without closing the game?

That's strange as the plugin should be saving the informations in the same set of info that goes into the save.

I'll try to recreate the bug and seek a solution, thanks for the report :)

yes, to give the specifics, if you die while having No saves at all in the game the quest log from the previous game is still there when you start a new game. Through testing even if you just backed out to the main menu with no saves you could stack the opening quest over and over again. So it seems to be some issue with the quest being given without their technically being a saved file. Though I am unsure as I haven’t looked at the code myself. Sorry for the late replay.

some more pertinent information, when closing the executable, the stacked quests do go away, so I don’t think it’s unsolvable as it isn’t technically “saved” information. I think it may be that an unsaved games data is essentially saved in an invisible slot and making a new game “loads” into that slot without clearing the data from plug ins maybe? That’s my current hypothesis.

of course none of this is a complaint to your work, if it is truly unsolvable I can just continue with the current solution of saving to the last available slot.

No worries at all, I appreciate the input!

I'm unable to re-create the bug, if I exit a game / cause a Game Over and restart a new game it doesn't carry over the Quests.

Can you tell me how the game over is triggered and if you have any plugin impacting on game over / saved files?

How do I change the quest from in-progress to completion? I'm new to plugins and scripts, so I'm not sure. I'm sorry

Via event or common event, you need to go in the last tab of the event: "Plugin command", select WD_Quest plugin, "Set Quest Completion Parameter" and enter the ID or Exact name of the quest (case sensitive) and Status: Completed.

Hope it helps!

I do enjoy how easy it is to set up quests with this plugin, but I noticed when I exit and continue the game the quests are all removed. Is there a step I missed, or possible issues with another plugin? Just reaching out in hopes you may know of a resolution before I dig too deep into this issue.


Hi there, 

I looked up and the problem seem to be in my plugin, thank you for the report, I'll patch it up first thing tomorrow morning, should be an easy fix


The fix for the QuestLog is out, thanks again for the report!

Just tested and it is working great!
Thank you for the quick fix and response.

After further use, the plugin parameters may be broken for changing the prefix for words.
Example: I changed 'QuestLog' to 'Journal', but still says QuestLog in game. Same for the other prefix options they are not changing.

It has probably to do with the SaveParameters new function, I guess you made the change by Plugin Manager?

I'll be able to easily fix it tomorrow, if you want a temp fix you can do the changes via Plugin Command and they should work correctly

Changing them with commands worked, thank you.

Great to hear!

If you prefer working with Plugin Parameters I've released the hotfix ;)