A downloadable asset pack

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Big news! 

Factions plugin 2.0 will now become Factions Plugin Light 2.0 and will be free to download, in his place there will be Factions Plugin Premium 1.0.

If you bought the Light version before, you will have access to Premium now!


This plugin allows you to add a new scene from 1 to 5 tabs (that can be changed during the game) showing the entries of the related category.

Categories and entries can be configured as you like, you can use RMMZ Faceset, RMMZ characters, RMMZ Icons or Pictures . You can add a name, short description, progress text (Text that is shown only when a certain progression value is reached), dynamic text (Text can be turned visible or hidden with a simple command) and you can decide if and how the progress bar is shown!

Version, bugs and further development


  • Initial release

Further development will include: Possibility to change the graphic setting form the list window compared to the details window, possibility to change Tabs number via plugin command, quick dynamic text addition with progress value change


This is an evolution of v1.0 and keeps the same idea behind a SIMPLE "Factions / Relationships / Traits / Whatever" you want system that uses ITEMS instead of complicated code.

  • Set up an item with Name, Icon and short description of the Faction/Relationship/Trait/Whatever
  • Make it non-consumable and link a common event to it with all the info you want to display
  • Just add in the item notes the following tag: <Tab#Item: true> (changing # with the number of the Tab) or <(Tab name)Item: true> (for example for Factions use <FactionsItem: true>
  • The plugin will display this item in the propert tab and will hide it from the normal Inventory window

You can use from 1 to 5 Tabs and you can rename them at your liking (you can also do it mid-game)

Version, bugs and further development


  • Initial release


  •  Code totally reworked from scratch but kept retrocompatible with 1.0
  •  Added missing save functionality, v1.0 plugin would forget the changes to the commands names if done via plugin command
  • Added the possibility to select from 1 to 5 tabs instead of using only 3, the plugin will auto-align the commands (or hide the command window if only 1 tab is used)

Terms of use

Please refer to the Terms of Use. By using this plugin you accept WinterDream terms


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

WD Factions, Relationship & Traits PREMIUM 82 kB

Download demo

WD Factions, Relationship & Traits LIGHT 15 kB

Development log


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Hey, again! I downloaded the 2.0 version, but I'm having some trouble adding the scene to my main menu. I'm using Visustella's Main Menu Core, and when I put the eval in the menu category, SceneManager.push(Scene_WDFactions); I get an error; 'Scene_WDFactions is not defined' 

Any help would be appreciated! (I realize the plugin adds the scene to the menu, but it doesn't allow for icons, which is what all of my menu options have! So for consistency's sake, I was using VS's menu manager. The plugin launches fine with the built-in menu add on! Just not with Visustella's.)

Deleted 122 days ago

Sorry I gave the wrong answer below!

Have you tried pushing WD_Factions above Visustella? That way you are certain the Scene has been built

(1 edit)

I just tried it, but it gave an error; Scene_WDFactions_Pr is not defined. I get the same error regardless of where it is in the plugin list, if that helps!

I thought that 2.0 was the premium but it's the light, Scene_WDFactions is ok

A couple of questions:

- When does this error happen? As soon as you open the project or when you select it from the menu?

- if you create an event with the plugin command "Call Factions" does it work? (If yes it's strange as the only thing that it does is a Scene Manager push as you do)

Deleted 122 days ago
(3 edits)

So sorry, my last reply was a mistake! If I call the scene via plugin command, it works fine! :) It doesn't error when I open the project, no. Only when I click on the main menu option to launch it. (Btw, where can I find the pro version of 2.0? That was the one I wanted, haha.)

Okay, I'm slow >A< I can just add an icon via text codes in the name of the menu option the plugin defaultly comes with! This way I won't need to us VS's menu manager and the crash won't happen! :D

I'm not entirely sure what this plugin does... because anybody with half a brain can put relationships in a game with this plugin... (Not to mention you have to pay for it)

What does it even do???

(2 edits)

I guess you meant "without this plugin"? 

Anyway, the premium version adds the possibility to create a separate menu where the dev can add up to 5 tabs (interchangeable, so potentially limitless) where you can create informations (generally Factions, Relationships and Traits but really anything you want) by assembling them how you want.

I added the possibility to use face sets, characters, icons or pictures for graphics, I added the possibility to show text dynamically as switches gets turned on and a progression bar display 

Point 1: Those are things that a lot of people can't do as it's required JS knowledge,

Point 2: This is a plugin as any other plugin adds a ready to use feature 

Please refrain in the future from using terms as "anybody with half a brain" because any developer has its own area of expertise and there are people who do not want to handle it with the eventing, if you are able of doing it, good for you, but that doesn't put you in a better position than others.

(Sry, didn't mean to offend anyone with my comment)

Ok, that clears it up a little. Thanks!

Hey, there! I just bought this (amazing) plugin but I'm a little stuck. I've added 2 entries under the 'factions' category, but when I click on the tab, only entry 1 shows. The scene also opens up directly onto the entry, not onto the list of possible entries to choose from. Do you know what I might be doing wrong?


If you press the arrows can you navigate between the entries? I recon that it might be confusing, I might need to add some sort of indicators to show that you can navigate left and right ^^'

For the second question, yes, you can show a list of entries. You need to go in the Plugin Parameters, edit your Category ID 1 and at the field "Entry Access" select "Show List" ;)


Yuuuuus! It works like a dream now, thank you so much! I'm really looking forward to everything else you'll put out, you've got great ideas! :D


Glad to hear! :D
Thanks a lot ^_^

(6 edits)

does it only allow for 1 variable per entry? and can those variables be customized?

for example lets say I want to add in the character relationships entries on top of things like their respect other aspects of their relationship towards my character

like for example their love in case I want to implement a romance system or their loyalty and morale in case im trying to create like an army mechanic and I want to see how loyal each of the officers in the army is

maybe in the factions entries on top of my reputation with said faction I want to add things like the happiness and the obedience of the population or the number of troops and the yield of gold in the towns and the cities that I control in case that I want to for example implement a system of taking control of settlements  or things like that and keeping track of those variables is important for the gameplay

also maybe adding the ability to scroll down the window instead of having to press enter to see the next one would be pretty useful

For now the progress bar is only one but it's customizable (text, values and colour)

I'll see to add more bars and the ability to scroll instead of pressing enter or arrows 😁