Development Journal toward 2.0 - Part 1

Works on the plugin are going really well, here is a little developer journal update!

Old Parameters
Old Parameters

New Parameters (WIP)

First Part - Database (Done)

The heart of the plugin is the database, the more complete and flexible it is, the better! The first couple of days I've developed only the database, Stats Containers, Skills Containers, Text Packages and I made sure to make them as flexible as possible

The result is promising, the containers now can be molded to the developer will, their don't have a limit (bye bye 10 stats and 20 skills maximum) but they can also be modded on a specific actor!

Now you can set a standard rule (let's say 3 stats and 5 skills) for everyone, but Actor 5 can have 40 Stats and 100 Skills with their own names, description, xp growth rules and level cap

More than that, EACH Stat and Skill can have their own XP rules and level cap

The Plugin will also be the first of my plugin to use the new WD_Core functionality that will allow automatic language detection and translation (if the language package is provided) of the text

New Character Selection

New Character Selection

New Stats & Skills Menu

New Stats & Skills Menu

Second Part - Stat & Skills main menu (80% Done)

Of course the Stats & Skills main menu (the one in the old version) would be there again! I made some graphics and functional improvement and I adapted it (AKA rewrote it completely) to read all the new features said above

It's complete an functional, it just needs the addition of the Confirmation Window (optional new feature), graphic bar visual option for stats and skills (new mode - optional) and right - left cursor if you can scroll between characters

Third Part - Reload the old Plugin Commands (70% Done)

I'm adding and expanding the old plugin commands! Some will stay the same (like open Stats & Skill Menu), some will get an improvement (Like Gain Exp or Change Stats/Skills Values) with more options to use while others will be soft deleted (they will still work and won't throw errors if used from an old project but they can't be selected anymore) like the old translation command.

Fourth Part - Buff/Debuff mechanics, Class Parameters from Stats/Skill Mechanics + new mechanics (0% Done)

Next up I will need to adapt the Buff/Debuff and Class mechanics, this will be a "simple" adaptation job as there is nothing more to add that comes to mind so relatively quick.

I'll also expand RMMZ commands to work with this plugin in the editor, you will be able to add Stats and Skills to your RMMZ skills editor, plus dice rolls.

Fifth Part - Skill check with and without dice rolls (0% Done)

The biggest addition to the 2.0 will be a new Skill Check menu as it seem it's the most requested feature. The skill check will be provided with a user interface that will show the check AND with an invisible command check for developers that don't want to show right away what is happening.

The Skill Check will be provided with standard D&D dices graphics BUT it will be moddable by the developer, you can change the type of dices, the rules, and the graphics to your liking.

Until next time!

Get Rpg Maker MZ Plugin: RPG Style Stats and Skills

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(2 edits)

great work its looking fantastic, im specially looking forward for more graphical options like the graphic bar visual option and the skill checks and dice rolls

just one thing, will there be an option for skill points? like instead of using xp when you level up you instead gain skill points that you can use to level up your stats and skills? even as an alternative way i think it could add options for the developer (and players)

You can already do it by simply changing "XP" name into "Skill Point" and assigning them manually to the player :)

alright yeah that seems simple enough

the plugin is looking more and more like it will be capable of doing everything to reproduce the DnD experience which was imposible in MZ until now (at least in MV we had the frogboy's plugins but MZ has had nothing which surprises me to be honest)