New development for the cards Battle Plugin

When you have not finished learning and you commit to a long term project it may happen that the first part, the foundations, of your project start to age while the most recent part of the project runs on a more sophisticated code.

This is what happened to me with the Card Battle System on map plugin and I reached the hard decision to rework it completely.

This will add more development time but result in foundations that make the plugin stable, fast, adaptable, and highly customizable!

Right now I'm at the beginning of the new development, creating the plugin parameters and commands, but just this small step already opened up to new features that couldn't be obtained with the old plugin!

  • Easier and more understandable developer interface
  • Advanced ground mapper that can pinpoint the various terrain types, opening up to a "line of sight" type of ranged attacks
  • No allies or enemies limits (previously capped to 10)
  • Introduction of neutral elements (like civilians or animals)
  • Introduction of special battle rules (defend the target, survive rounds, destroy the target, reach a destination)
  • More flexible cards rules
  • Easy implementation of buffs and debuffs
  • Stronger and more customizable animation process
  • Possibility to crete the fighting party manually (old way), from presets or automatically from the current game status
  • Possibility to add more complex card effects

I hope to be able to land a detailed update soon!

Once this plugin will be released, it will be time to start working on the first WinterDream game project: Middlemoon Chronicles!

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