I may be silent but the work goes on

I know I'm not doing much devlogs on this plugin but that doesn't mean I'm not working on it!

Long story short, I started with the idea of renovating the base structure of the plugin while copying bit of already written functions from the old version. In reality everytime I created a new function I went by "You know what? Let's do it another way, that's more complete!"

I've redone more than 10.000 lines of functions in the AI Battle Logic and I can proudly say that I see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Right now I'm testing the AI behaviour and, as you may expect, I'm finding a lot of odd behaviours hidden in that huge code

One by one I'm tracking down the false steps and I'm correcting them, the AI is now perfectly capable of moving near the target, toward a needy ally or fleeing from danger

Now it's the turn to understand why they refuse the idea of attacking the opponents, that may be a LITTLE problem in a battle

But once that will be set... we will have a more or less complete round of battle!

Things to improve and to add are still a lot, but I think the bigger part of the work is done

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